

What is truth?

the body of real things, events, and facts.
the body of true statements and propositions.
veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor, honesty, genuineness.

Truth is another positive key word in the Bible.

Truth is about wisdom and guidance from the Lord.

The truth will set us free.

John 8;32
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Proverbs 3;3
Do not let truth and mercy leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 23;23
Acquire truth and do not sell it— wisdom, and discipline, and understanding.

Matthew 5;18
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place.

1 Kings 22;16
The king said to him, “How many times must I make you solemnly promise in the name of the Lord to tell me only the truth?”

Job 34;12
Indeed, in truth, God does not act wickedly, and the Almighty does not pervert justice.

Job 36;4
For in truth, my words are not false; it is one complete in knowledge who is with you.

Psalm 25;5
Guide me into your truth and teach me. For you are the God who delivers me; on you I rely all day long.

Psalm 119;43
Do not completely deprive me of a truthful testimony, for I await your justice.

Proverbs 3;3
Do not let truth and mercy leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 8;7
For my mouth speaks truth, and my lips hate wickedness.

Proverbs 12;19
The one who tells the truth will endure forever, but the one who lies will last only for a moment.

Proverbs 12;22
The Lord abhors a person who lies, but those who deal truthfully are his delight.

Proverbs 14;5
A truthful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.

Proverbs 23;23
Acquire truth and do not sell it— wisdom, and discipline, and understanding.

Matthew 5;18
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place.

Matthew 6;2
Thus whenever you do charitable giving, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in synagogues and on streets so that people will praise them. I tell you the truth, they have their reward.

Matthew 10;15
I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for the region of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town!
